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How Much Does a Typical Mediation Cost in Golden, CO 80401?

How Much Does a Typical Mediation Cost in Colorado?

Mediation refers to the practice of hiring an individual to act as a private intermediary to facilitate the various aspects of a divorce. Mediation can ...
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Marriage & Divorce Statistics in Colorado | The Drake Law Firm, PC

Marriage & Divorce Statistics in Colorado

Marriage as an institution continues to evolve and change. Although many people now see marriage as merely one arrangement among other viable alternatives, marriage continues ...
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What To Know About Child Custody Evaluations

What To Know About Child Custody Evaluations

In all divorce cases where a child is involved, custody – both physical custody and legal custody – must be determined in the best interests ...
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If you and your spouse are considering a divorce in Colorado, it is a good to know the difference between legal separation and divorce.

The Difference Between Legal Separation and Divorce

If you and your spouse are considering a divorce, it is a good idea to review all your options and investigate the possibility of a ...
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The Specifics of Tenancy-in-Common Ownership

The Specifics of Tenancy-in-Common Ownership

The most familiar arrangement is for real estate to be owned entirely by a single individual or married couple. When most people think about how ...
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