5 Common Mistakes that Could Affect Your Child Custody Goals

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Maintain Composure

Naturally, divorce is a highly emotional time. Add children in the mix and emotions rise even higher. A common mistake people make is getting into confrontation with their soon to be ex-spouse. Whether you decide to hire us at or not, we advise that you always pause and ask yourself whether what you’re about to do or say might negatively affect your custody goals.

Always Put Your Children First

The standard the Courts use is what is called the Best Interests of the Child. Always placing your children’s needs above your own will go a long way in the eyes of the Court. As a side note, often what is in the best interests of your child/children is amicability and compromise with the other parent. Showing compromise can work wonders in accomplishing your custody goals.

Avoid Social Media

Social media is a terrible idea. This cannot be emphasized enough: openly criticizing the other parent will never help your custody goals. We at The Drake Law Firm, P.C. have seen this all too often. One parent goes onto social media and openly bad mouths the other parent. Next thing you know, a screenshot of that post is sitting in front of the judge. Do not do this.

Tell the Truth

If the Court catches you lying, your credibility is thrown out the window. Your credibility is not easy to get back, either. The best way to maintain your credibility is to simply tell the truth. Even if you feel that the truth might hurt your custody goals, we at The Drake Law Firm, P.C. assure you that lying will be worse for those goals.

Respect the Court

If you are ordered to pay child support or there is a temporary custody arrangement, do not ignore the Court order. Even if you disagree with what the Court ordered, it is still the law. Showing any kind of disrespect is a surefire way to negatively impact your child arrangement goals.


Hopefully, our discussion here helps you moving forward. If you would like more information, contact the Drake Law Firm, P.C. today by calling 303-261-8111.


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The Drake Law Firm, PC
2117 Ford St.
Golden, CO 80401

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