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Are You Aware of Alimony Rights for Men?

Alimony, also known as spousal support or maintenance, is a legal obligation for one spouse to provide financial support to the other during or after ...
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Stepparent Adoptions in Colorado

Stepping into the role of a stepparent can be one of life’s most transformative and fulfilling experiences. As you consider this life-changing decision, it’s important ...
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Can Separate Property Become Marital Property in Colorado Law?

Can Separate Property Become Marital Property in Colorado Law? As we have discussed before, the classification of property as either marital or separate is an ...
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What is Colorado’s Stance on ‘De Facto’ Parents?

What is Colorado’s Stance on ‘De Facto’ Parents? What is Colorado’s Stance on ‘De Facto’ Parents? Colorado family law terminology can seem unusual to laypeople. ...
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Fraud, Duress, Coercion & Unconscionability in Colorado Prenups

Fraud, Duress, Coercion & Unconscionability in Colorado Prenups Prenuptial Agreements are Similar to Regular Contracts Prenuptial agreements – commonly referred to as “prenups” both among ...
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