Ending a marriage is big decision. Divorce is something which should always be approached in a serious manner. In nearly all cases, couples prefer to visit a marriage therapist prior to seeking a divorce. In many cases, couples report substantial improvements in the quality of their relationships after seeing a marriage counselor or therapist. One of the main reasons why marriage counseling can be beneficial is because it provides an open forum which facilitates communication. Many couples struggle to communicate in an open and healthy fashion, and counseling plays a big role in addressing this problem.
Although counseling can be helpful, it is not 100% effective for all couples. As you could guess, not every couple will be able to resolve its underlying issues with this approach. Here are a few signs that marital counseling is simply not working.
Your Spouse Won’t Admit There is a Problem
This is the first sign: failure to admit there is a problem is the most basic warning that counseling isn’t having its desired effect. When you’re trying to resolve any issue, the first step is acknowledging the issue itself. You can’t resolve something when one person won’t acknowledge a problem exists or won’t admit that they play a role. If your spouse still won’t admit that there is a problem, then this is a clear sign that counseling may be inadequate.
You See the Same Behavior Repeatedly
Even if your spouse admits there is a problem, this is only step one in the process. On top of acknowledgement, there also needs to be progress, and this means changes in behavior. If your spouse continues to show the same behavior after counseling, this is a sign that things simply aren’t working. You can’t repair your marriage if your spouse doesn’t make the effort, and effort means more than just talking and discussing things. If you don’t see tangible evidence of change, then counseling may not be enough.
There is a history of Addiction
Addiction presents a whole new set of concerns when it comes to the efficacy of marriage counseling. This is because addictions are much more difficult to address and resolving in a counseling setting. Addictive behaviors – such as alcoholism, drug addiction, etc. – are more likely to require professional assistance from another professional, typically someone with expertise in drug addiction. In some cases, marriage counseling may be able to help with addiction, but usually it simply isn’t enough.
There is a History of Domestic Violence
Likewise, domestic violence is a problem which typically requires additional assistance to address and resolve. Furthermore, domestic violence usually indicates that there is something more fundamentally flawed within the marriage. Those who commit domestic violence, for instance, very often have deeper problems related to anger management, depression, impulse control, and so forth, and those problems rarely can be remedied with marital counseling by itself.
Contact the Drake Law Firm for More Information
These are just a few of the signs that marital counseling may not be working. There can be other signs as well, and so you need to be diligent when you commit to a counseling program. Be sure to constantly observe whether you see signs of progress, otherwise you may need to consider other options, including divorce.
If you’d like more information, reach out to the Drake Law Firm today by calling 303-261-8111.
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The Drake Law Firm, PC
2117 Ford St.
Golden, CO 80401