Starting Your Own Business In Colorado

Starting Your Own Business In Colorado

Get the help you need!

People who want to start their own business have two things in common. First is passion. And second? Easy. That is the number of people who say it can’t be done.

No matter what business you want to get up and running, it is guaranteed there will be those who don’t share your vision. Say you have a new product, a new service or a new approach to an old service, however brilliant your vision may be, there are those who just won’t see it.

Therefore, to even get your business off the starting block, passion is going to have to trump the naysayers. No need to rein in the passion, but one reason so many new businesses do in fact fail, is that passion also won out over practicality.

So, let’s get practical. First step for a prospective new business owner is to pay a visit to the website. You’ll see a box titled: STARTING A NEW BUSINESS. Go there and find an incredible wealth of information, which is absolutely free and available to you, including a comprehensive checklist to see if you’re as ready as you need to be.

Second, as the site will tell you, it’s important to have an attorney with experience in forming and advising Colorado business organizations. That is where we come in.

The Drake Firm understands that combination of commitment and anxiety new business owners face. We not only understand, but we have the experience, the energy and the enthusiasm to help. This country needs more jobs. This economy needs better businesses. And if you have a viable idea that will create both, we are with you. 110%.

We do everything from helping you negotiate contracts, to checking licenses, finding reliable real estate, checking the credentials of those who plan your marketing, dealing with employee regulations, well, basically we will help you plan your entire itinerary, from concept to reality. We are brutally practical, brutally honest, and totally supportive.

So when you’re ready, call us – (303) 261-8111

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