Spring Break and Shared Custody

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Planning holidays and vacations as co-parents can be extremely stressful. Both parents will likely want quality time with the children. Without proper planning, spring break can lead to conflict between you and your ex-spouse. Here are some tips on how to make spring break laid back and enjoyable for both you and your child.


  1. Put Your Child’s Needs First

Your child will likely be super excited to have time away from school to spend with you. Spring break is meant for family fun and memories. For example, if they have the opportunity to travel with their other parent, consider being a little flexible with the parenting plan and let them have extra time together. Additionally, let your child know the plan. Spring break is meant for the kids, and it can create anxiety or stress when there is uncertainty involved. Consider making a schedule or itinerary to share with your child and co-parent.


  1. Plan Ahead of Time

If you are traveling or need to take time off of work, it is essential to plan for spring break ahead of time. Additionally, you may need your ex-spouse’s permission to travel out of the state or country with the children. This is dependent on your unique parenting plan. Your ex-spouse will appreciate the heads up. It can make co-parenting a lot easier when there is communication and cooperation.


  1. Consider Splitting the Week or Alternating Years

Spring break can be tough as a working parent. Consider splitting the week in half with your ex-spouse so that both of you can spend time with the children without having to take too much time off of work. This will allow both parents to have the opportunity to take a vacation or plan fun activities. Another solution is alternating years. You and your ex-spouse could agree to rotate who gets the children for spring break each year. It can be tough to figure out custody exchanges and work schedules. This would allow for a longer vacation for your family or a simplified schedule.


Contact the Drake Law Firm Today

It is important to consider school breaks and vacation when establishing a parenting plan. If you are concerned about spring break or summer break, contact us at the Drake Law Firm today by giving us a call at 303-261-8111.

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