Five Questions to Ask Your Attorney During Divorce

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Divorce can be a complex and emotionally challenging process. Hiring a skilled and knowledgeable family law attorney is crucial to ensure your rights and interests are protected. It’s important to actively communicate with your attorney and ask them the right questions to gain clarity, understand the process better, and make informed decisions. Here are some helpful questions you should ask.

1. What are the grounds for divorce?

Understanding the grounds for divorce in your state is essential as it forms the basis for your case. Colorado is a no-fault divorce state which means that couples can obtain a divorce without proving the wrongdoing of either party like adultery. Knowing the grounds for divorce in your state allows you to determine which path may be most beneficial for your divorce.

2. How will marital property be divided?

Dividing marital property, assets, and debt can be one of the most stressful aspects of a divorce. Asking your attorney how the court or the state’s laws typically handle property division will provide you with a basic understanding of what to expect. Understanding the factors that influence property division, such as the length of the marriage, contributions of each spouse, and the value of assets, will help you make informed decisions about property division during negotiations.

3. What factors will the court consider in determining child custody and support?

If you have children, questions about child custody and support are of extremely important. Asking your attorney about the factors the court considers when making custody and support determinations will help you understand the process and anticipate potential outcomes. Questions about the best interests of the child standard, visitation rights, child support calculations, and modifications will provide the information needed to protect your parental rights.

4. How can we approach negotiations or alternative dispute resolution methods?

Most divorce cases are resolved through negotiations or alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation or collaborative divorce. Asking your attorney about these options and how to approach them can help you gain insight into potential strategies for resolving your case amicably. Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of each method, as well as your attorney’s experience and recommendations, will allow you to make informed decisions about your case.

5. What is your recommended approach for my specific case?

Finally, it’s important to ask your attorney for their professional opinion and recommended approach for your specific case. Each divorce is unique, and your attorney’s experience and expertise will provide valuable insight into the best course of action. Their recommendations may include specific legal strategies, negotiation tactics, or advice about evidence and documents. Trusting your attorney’s guidance and expertise can help you navigate the divorce process more effectively.

At the Drake Law Firm our experienced family law attorneys are committed to providing you with the necessary support and guidance during your divorce. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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