Lakewood, CO, Child Support Lawyers

At the Drake Law Firm, P.C., we assist both men and women in helping their children have the best quality of life possible.

Child Support Lakewood, CO.

Secure your child’s future

Ensuring the correct child support payments, whether within a divorce or a child custody case, is a crucial stride in securing a financially stable future for both you and your family.

Child support serves the essential purpose of safeguarding children from a diminished standard of living following their parents’ legal separation or divorce. In Colorado, the state’s legal framework employs the “income shares” model to determine the responsible parent and the amount they should contribute. The primary factors considered are the monthly earnings of each parent and the time the child spends with them.

Typically, the custodial parent is the recipient of child support payments, with the payment amount correlated to the income of the supporting parent. Unlike some other states, Colorado utilizes a formula that takes into account these variables, as well as considerations such as child care and health insurance costs, and whether either parent has financial obligations to children from previous relationships. Nevertheless, either parent has the opportunity to present evidence justifying a deviation from the standard formula in exceptional circumstances.

Child Support Calculation

The court takes multiple considerations into account when calculating child support. These considerations encompass:

  • The pre-tax income of the parents
  • The child’s income and financial resources
  • How many overnights each parent has
  • Child-related expenses such as the child’s portion of the health insurance cost and day care for example
  • Other dependents supported by the parent
  • Additional forms of support, including alimony

Does custody affect child support?

When both parents have shared physical custody of their child, child support responsibilities are determined separately for each parent. This involves calculating each parent’s child support obligation based on the percentage of time the child spends with the other parent. The parent with the higher child support obligation is responsible for covering the difference between the two amounts. 

Modifications to Child Support Orders

Any support orders approved by the court are subject to modification when there is substantiated evidence indicating a change in the financial capacity of the supporting spouse. These modifications can result in increases or decreases in support payments, aligning with the supporting parent’s altered financial circumstances. If there is a significant shift of 10% or more in a parent’s ability to contribute to financial support, it becomes a valid basis for adjusting the support order to reflect these changes.

Choosing the Drake Law Firm as your Lakewood Child Support Attorneys

When it comes to securing the right legal representation for child support matters in Lakewood, selecting The Drake Law Firm, P.C. is a decision that can make a meaningful difference. Our experienced team of child support attorneys is dedicated to providing you with experienced guidance and personalized solutions to ensure the best outcome for your case. We understand the complexities of child support laws and are committed to advocating for your child’s well-being.

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