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The Methods of Business Valuation in a Colorado Divorce

Businesses May Be Divided in a Colorado Dissolution   The methods of business valuation in a Colorado divorce. Like other assets – stocks, bonds, cash ...
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legal separation in colorado

Is Legal Separation in Colorado an Option?

Are you considering a legal separation in Colorado but feeling unsure about the process? Legal separation can provide a structured way to live apart while ...
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What Documents Do I Need for a Divorce in Colorado?

What Documents Do I Need for a Divorce in Colorado?

Going through a divorce can be incredibly challenging, and the last thing you need is the added stress of figuring out the necessary paperwork. Understanding ...
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Can a Prenup Protect You from a Spouse's Debt?

Can a Prenup Protect You from a Spouse’s Debt?

Marriage involves not only an emotional commitment but also a financial partnership. When one or both partners bring significant debt into the relationship, it’s essential ...
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Can a Prenup Prevent Alimony?

When considering marriage, many couples also contemplate the possibility of divorce and the financial implications that may arise. One common concern is alimony, also known ...
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