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Visitation When a Parent or Child is Sick

Visitation When a Parent or Child is Sick

It may not be part of the parenting plan but at some point, parents will have to deal visitation or custody changes when either a ...
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Important Documents when Filing for Divorce

Important Documents when Filing for Divorce

If you think a divorce may be in your future, or if you have already been served with divorce paperwork, it is smart to gather ...
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How to Have a “No Drama” Divorce?

How to Have a “No Drama” Divorce

By the time you and your soon to be ex-spouse decide to divorce, usually one or more of the parties involved is ready for a ...
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Putting Off a Divorce Until the New Year?

Putting Off a Divorce Until the New Year?

January is Considered “Divorce Month” If you are waiting until the new year to file for divorce, you are not alone. January is sometimes referred ...
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Do I Qualify for Alimony?

Do I Qualify for Alimony?

What is Alimony? Alimony – or “spousal maintenance” as it’s referred to in Colorado, is a court-ordered payment awarded to one party in a divorce ...
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